
  • important.svg' }, style = { class = 'ambox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = { class = 'ambox-move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki…
    6 KB (515 Wörter) - 22:15, 29. Aug. 2020
  • bodyclass or args.class) :css('float', args.float or 'right') :css('clear', (args.float == 'none' and 'both') or args.float or 'right') :css('width'…
    8 KB (1.050 Wörter) - 22:15, 29. Aug. 2020
  • _startBox(args, env)) :wikitext(p._content(args, env)) :tag('div') :css('clear', 'both') -- So right or left floating items don't stick out of the doc box…
    36 KB (4.245 Wörter) - 22:15, 29. Aug. 2020
  • if the "content" or -- "docname fed" arguments are set, as then it is not clear where to add the categories. $1 is a -- link to the /doc subpage with a display…
    18 KB (2.216 Wörter) - 22:15, 29. Aug. 2020
  • Template documentation[create]…
    81 Bytes (3 Wörter) - 22:15, 29. Aug. 2020